157.Which African country leads to the production of rice ____________________
158.Which are Brazilian main cash crops ___________,____________and ___________
159.America Is famous for the agricultural production of _____________________
160.The islands in japan are famous for production of _______________________
161.Which county is a chief dairy farming _______________________
162.Mediteranean countries are famous for ______________________________
163.The famous mineral mined at uvinza is _______________________________
164.In which river is Aswan dam is located _______________________________
165.Which star is closest to the sun? ____________________________________
166.The country which is famous for the production of cocoa _________________
167.Which causes low and high tide?_____________________________________
168.Usually wind blows from area with _______________ to _________________
169.Mt. Living stone, Aberdare, Pare, Usambara and ruwenzori are examples of which type of mountains? ___________________________
170.Name any three examples of volcanic mountains _______________________________
171.Which cash crops are exported in large quantity from Tanzania ____________________
172.A crop used as a raw material for manufacturing of cigarate is called _______________
173.If letter Z is located at grid reference 435235, the measurement of vertical lines are _______________________-
174.Name any appropriate method of moisture preservation in the field _____________
175.Which energy source that has No negative effects to the environment _____________
176.Name 4 important factors to be conducted when establishing transportation ________
177.What makes difference between internal trade and external trade? _______________
178.A grou of stars forming a difinite pattern is called _____________________
179.Why many rivers in Africa are not used for transportation?______________________
180.On which day does the sun over head at tropical of cancer?_______________________
181.The ;latitude marked 23.5 north of equator is called _________________________
182.Earth takes ______________ days to complete a single revolution
183.Which country is land locked country in West Africa
184.What are the importances of map scale ___________________________________
185.The largest area of cotton production under irrigation is found ins ______________
186.Which instrument used to measure environmental pressure? _________________
187.Simanjiro is famous for mining of ________________________
188.Which mineral is extracted from liganga in iringa _____________________
189.In which country does Kalahari desert is found _____________________
190.Which ocean current cool the cape fria? __________________________-
191.Name two famous regions in Tanzania where diamond is mined ___________________
192.Mwanza, mbeya, mara and ruvuma are famous for mining of ____________________
193.The economy of East African countries depend on ______________________
194._____________ is a mixture of gasses surrounding
195.Which crop is a main raw material for making textile __________________________
196.Which type of vegetation most of national parks and game reserves are found _____________________________________
197.Which region of Tanzania most of ranches are found _____________________
198.The means of passing information through different ways is called _________________
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The sun is at the centre of the solar system. the sun is the star, a ball of hot and glowing gas. It does not have any solid par.
Soma Zaidi...Kama una mtoto anasoma shule ya msingi, bongoclass tunakuandalia program hizi kwa ajili ya watoto wadogo.
Soma Zaidi...SIMPLE BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS Experiment One: Measure pulse rate Aim: To measure average pulse rate by using simple method.
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