116.Tanzania Economy depends on __________________
117.The owen fall is found at river ___________________
118.Name three types of map measurements _______,__________and ___________
119.Which cause destruction of ozone layer?___________________________________
120.If dar es salaam city which is at 15oE is 9:00 am. What is the time in cameroon located at 45oW
121.In which areas is natural gas is found in Tanzania ___________________
122.Small scale used to make a map showing which size of land? _________
123.Tanzania and Mozambique are separated by _______________________
124.The most accurate grid reference is given in _______-- digits
125.If the distance of 25 km on land is represented by length of 5 cm on map, the scale of the map will be ________________-
126.A photograph taken from savannah ecosystem will show ____________________-
127.An area in the desert where water can be found is called __________________
128.An area of a sea surrounded by land in three sides is called __________________
129.An area of land surrounded by sea in all three parts is called _________________
130.The biggest lake in Kenya apart from lake Victoria is ____________________
131.The irrigation Sudan deals with __________________
132.Which cash crops grown in Malawi mountains _______________________
133.Where is a pass situated in contour map? ____________________________
134.Which country is famous for the production of paper in the world ______________
135.Jamaica is famous for the agricultural production of ______________________---
136.In Tanzania tobacco is grown in which regions ________,______ and _____________
137.Niger is famous for the mining of ________________________________
138.Which country is famous for the mining of aluminium ___________________
139.South Africa is famous for wool production in Africa. Other countries are New Zealand and Australia
140.The leading countries for the production of grape _______________________
141.African countries leading to the production of rubber are ______,______________
142.The economic of Kuwait depends on ______________________
143.Which country of east Africa lead to the production of pyrethrum ________________
144.In which side of equator is Tanzania found ___________________________
145.If it is 10 am at longitude 0o what will be the time in East Africa at 45oE _____________
146.The slope of Mount Mulanje in Malawi are well known for growing of ______________
147.What makes difference between retail trade and whole sell trade _________________
148.How does export trade differ from entreport trade _____________________________
149.The red sea and mediteranean sea are joined by ___________________________
150.The tropical zones are found between ______________________
151.On contour cliff indicated by _____________________________________
152.The main cash crop grown in Mbinga district in Ruvuma region is _________________
153.Forests, mineral and ocean are collectively known as ______________
154.Why it is preferred to use water transport than other when transporting raw materials and industrial products ______________________
155.Name the biggest game reserve in Africa ________________________
156.Name the gems mined in Mereran in Tanzania ________________________________
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