199.The height of contour line is measured in ________________________________
200.When contour lines are closely to each other they represent ___________________
201.The vertical difference between two successive contour is known as _______________
202.___________________ is a large area of flat top high land
203.Steep slope is also known as ___________________________________
204._______________ is an area of low land between two lines of hills or mountain
205.An area of a land surrounded by sea or ocean in all parts is called ______________
206.The biggest national park in Tanzania is __________________
207.What is the nature of mountains that have conical shape and have crater at the top___
208.Tropical zones begin at what latitude? __________________________
209.How is an escapement represented by contour in a contour map? _________________
210.Which river separates Tanzania and mozambique _______________
211.The does the sun overhead in each December _____________
212.What are the major negative effects of industry to our environment ______________
213.How can we control flood? _______________________________
214.the United national organization which is responsible for crop quality assurance is known as ____________________
215.Areas where traditional animal husbandry is highly practices in Tanzania are _________
216.Which is the largest country in Africa? ___________________
217.Soft rocks found along the coast of East Africa are known as ____________________
218.Where does semi-desert and dry tropical climate are found in East Africa? __________
219.Which regions does banana grows in Tanzania? ___________________________
220.The rainfall average of 500mm per year, high temperature range 280 - 390 during the day and very high cold during the night are the characteristics features of _______________
221.The major economic activities conducted in savannah ecosystem is ________________
222.Name two types of crops ___________________________________
223.Ranch is an area reserved for __________________________
224.In Africa sheep rearing is mostly done in ______________________________
225.Name any 4 unsustainable ways of fishing __________________________________
226.What does cross-section shows_________________________________
227.Which vegetation is found in equatorial regions _____________________
228.In which climate does a photo that shows palm tree taken ______________________
229.Where does uranium is mined in large quantity in Africa ________________________
230.Which country is famous for beef farming in the world ___________________
231.From which desert does harmattan wind blows __________________
232.Which country is famous for irrigation? _________________
233.In which river does kainji dam is _______________________
234.Name any 5 major HEP in Africa ____________________________________
235.__________________ is shown by U-shaped contour lines pointing downhill
236.Which settlement pattern occurs along the road? ________________________
237.Name the three pars of photograph? _________________________________
238.Chief producer of fruits in Tanzania is ______________________________
239.Which is the main economic activity f Scandinavian countries ___________________
240.At what interval does census is conducted _____________________
241.Campbell recorder used to record ________________________________
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PART ONE: BASIC CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGIES OF BIOLOGY BIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS The term βBIOLOGYβ is derived from the two Greek words such as βbiosβ which means life and βlogiaβ which means study of.
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