Balanced diet

A balanced diet simply means a food that contains all food nutrients in the correct proportion.

Balanced diet


A balanced diet simply means a food that contains all food nutrients in the correct proportion. We are recommended to eat a diet low in fats and lipid, sugar and salt but high in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and roughage, we should also take large amounts of water.

In other hand is recommended that we eat more fish, poultry products and legumes (such as pea, beans and peanuts) Instead of taking red meat as our main protein sources.

       The following should be done in order to maintain a healthy body.
1. Physical activity can preserve and improve your health. Therefore, it is important to balance your food intake and exercise.

 2. Minimize your intake of fats and oils by eating foods low in fats, sugars and salts. This will reduce your risk of heart attacks, tooth decay and high blood pressure respectively.

3. Include plenty of grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.

 4. Eating a variety of food will provide the body with energy and nutrients that are required in maintaining proper health.


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Author: Rajabu image Tarehe: 1970-01-01 03:33:44 Topic: School Main: Jifunze File: Download PDF Views 832

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