Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the box provided
6. At the butchery they sell ________________ a. biscult b. beef c. goat d. loaf
7. What is a correct collective nown for beef, mutton, pork and chicken _____ a. food b. dinner c. meat d. meet
8. A _____ of one carot is bigger than that of tomato a. price b. money c. cost d. price
9. Alot of students are reading books in th_________ now a. library b. laboratory c. dining room d. hall
10. Ashura is a daughter of my sister, so she is my ____a. son b. nephew c. niece d. cousin
11. If today is Thursday yesterday was ___ a. Wednesday b. Monday c. Friday d. Saturday.
12. A list of activities and the time when they will be done is called _________ a. menu b. timetable c. diary d. dairt
13. The eldest child in your family is called _______ a. daughter b. last born c. son d. firstborn
14. Halima is going to see a ______________ in order to repair her shoes a. blumber b. cobbler c. mechanics d. carpenter.
15. In the night we est _______________ a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner d. super
A. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
16. _____________ (be) Asha a daughter of your brother?
17. My teacher __________________ (teach) us good lesson two days ago.
18. Al-haji ________________ (write) a letter to his father last Monday
19. They ___________________ (sing) a national song evry morning
20. Will you ________________ (ride) my bysycle?
B. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
21. Asha and Juma wash dishes __________________ ( every day, yesterday, today)
22. I sha test your skill ___________________________ (tomorrow, now, this moment)
23. Did you __________________ TV yesterday? (watch, watched watching)
24. Mwanajumbe ________________ ugali yesterday (is gooking, was gooking, cook)
25. ______________ they playing flute last night? (is are were)
C. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
Above in infront over any some at on
Choose the most correct answer and tick its letter in the spaces provided
26. Our teacher is standing _____________ of the classroom.
27. The isn’t _______________ pupil in standard seven now.
28. She is very good ________________ English subject.
29. Every year ___________ january new pupils are registered for standard one.
30. An aeroplane is flaying _________________ the city of Dar es Salaam.
Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
31. Always we go to school __________ horse (on, by, with)
32. Juliza is drwing a picture ____________ a pencil (by, with, and)
33. _____________ of effort is needed to complit any task. (lot, alot much)
34. I ______________ to be in standard five than in standard four. (like, prefer, wanting)
35. Ashura and Mwajuma were the _________ pupils in the clss (tall, taller tallest)
A. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
Morning was girl watching early
Njoli is a standard three 36._______________. She studies a Mahale Primary school. One evening she was 37.__________ television. There 38.__________ very interesting cartoon show. She watched until midnight. Then, she went to sleep late at night. In the 39.___________ Njioli did not wake up 40.____________. Her brother Jaliatu went to her room to wake her up.
B. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
The family of Mr. and Mrs Jaliza are inviting Dr. Rajabu to attend birthday ceremony of their niece Mwajuma. This great event expected to be dane at their home in the evening of Monday next week.
Please inform us your confirmation to attend the event.
Contact us through 0620555380
41. When the event will be held _____________________________________________
42. Who is a writer of this invitation _________________________________________
43. To whom this invitation is going _________________________________________
44. Write contact of a writer ________________________________________________
45. What is a purpose of this invitation card ___________________________________
Read the following passage and answer question number 46-50
It was morning on Saturday. Farida and her mother went to the market. Her mother is warking at the mwanilaha market in Mwatimba village. She sells vegetable. In this Saturday Farida wanted to help her mother.
At the market farida lent how to be polite. Her mother was serving customers politely. Farida lent the price of vegetables that her mother was sold. She sold carot for the price of 200 tsh, cabage 500 Tsh, spinach 500 tsh and tomatoes for 150 tsh each. In the evening, the took some vegetable to cook for dinner. The also bought rice and beef.
46. What is a price of cabage ________________________________
47. What didi bought in the evening __________________________________
48. Where does Farida’s mother works ________________________________
49. What didi Farida lent at the marked _________________________________
50. Why Farida went to the market with her mother? ____________________________
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body fails to produce insulin or body fail to produce sufficient insulin hormone or body failure to use insulin hormone.