Branches of Geography

Learn three branches of geography

Branches of Geography

Branches of Geography

As we have discussed the geography deals with the distribution of geographical phenomena. Now let divide this great subject into branches:-
1. Physical geography
2. Human and economic geography
3. Practical geography

Physical geography
This branches of geography deal with the study of landforms, their formation, processes and distribution. In short physical geography examine natural processes.

Examples of landforms.

Human and economic geography
This branch examines economic, social and behaviour processes. In other words, human and economic geography deals with human activities.

Examples of human activities

Practical geography
This branch of geography deals with a field study of research, statistic, map work and photography interpretation.


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Author: Rajabu image Tarehe: 1970-01-01 03:33:44 Topic: School Main: Jifunze File: Download PDF Views 1039

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