What is Geography?

What is geography? Geography is a study of man and his or her environment..

What is Geography?

Introduction to Geography

The history of Geography inherits its origin from Greek language. The first person to introduce a word geography was a Greek philosophy called Eratothenese (276-194). Hence a word geography originated from two Greek words such as “geo” which means Earth and “grapho” or “graphea” which means To draw or to describe. In short, geography means to describe the earth. Or is a description of the earth. Therefore the combination of these two words we get Geography.

What is geography?
According to Oxford a word geography defined as the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources and political and economic activities.

Geography is the study of distribution and interrelationship of phenomena in relation to the earth's surface. Or is the scientific study of the earth as a home for humankind. Or is a study of human and relation to his or her environment. Or is a scientific study of spatial distribution or variation of any physical or natural.


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