242.What is different between magma and lava _________________
243.The chief producer of cotton in Africa is _____________________
244.The mineral that are found in all three types of rocks is ___________________
245.The instrument use to measure moisture is called _________________________
246.Poisonous flower used to make insecticides is known as _____________________
247.Which dams in Tanzania are famous for fishing activities ______________________
248.What is the height of Mt.kilimanjaro ________________________________
249.Which national park in Tanzania does animal and people lives together without harming each other? _________________________________
250.Name 4 block mountains _____________________________________________
251.A chain of mountains separated by valleys is called ________________________
252.Name any 5 volcanic mountains _________________________________________
253.Arabica and robusta are types of _________________________________________
254.Name two categories of savannah vegetation __________________________________
255.What type of scale can be used to draw a map of large area like the map of the world ________________________
256.How can be get population of an area _________________________________
257.A part of a map that defines symbols used on a map is called ___________________
258.Sea breeze blows from _____________________ to ________________________
259.Which country is famous for ship manufacturing ______________________
260.The direction of a place on map is determined by _________________
261.the relationship between map distance and ground distance is called ______________
262.In which regions in Tanzania do have the largest tea farms ______________________
263.Verbal communication is done through _______________________________________
264.Countries that use stored rain water for draining the land are __________ and _______
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This is part 01 out of our many short stories for primary school pupils. We hope this text to help the pupils to read English words in different situations.
Soma Zaidi...These occur as a result of the action of enzymes and acid on the epithelial membrane lining of the stomach and duodenum walls.
Soma Zaidi...What is geography? Geography is a study of man and his or her environment..
Soma Zaidi...The sun is at the centre of the solar system. the sun is the star, a ball of hot and glowing gas. It does not have any solid par.
Soma Zaidi...