Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the box provided
6. My grandmother sells herb there fore she is called a. pharmacist b. optician c. herbalist d. nurse
7. How do you call car, bus van and tax in a single word ________ a. bus b. vehicles c. cars d. drivings
8. Our teacher can not see, so he is a _____ a. blind b. deaf c. dumb d. crazy
9. How do you call a person who work at dairy? _______ a. kitchen b. milk c. milkman d. receptionist.
10. Asia is going to take a ______ a. tea b. porridge c. water d. drinks
11. A doctor who treats eyes is called a _________ a. dentist b. optician c. chemists d. embryologist
12. A nephew is__ of your sister or brother a. daughter b. son c. aunt d. uncle
13. A shoal is to fish as swam is to ______ a. lion b. bee c. key d. cattle
14. What is opposite of a word new __________ a. old b. older c. recent d. lag
15. Always my mother light a fire with a ________ a. papers b. matchsticks c. box d. fresh oil
A. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
16. Sometimes Mwanaisha ________ (watch) with us
17. Whom are they __________ (talk) about?
18. Juma and Jane were going to __________ (write) Mathematics test
19. _______ (be) she wanting to play with you?
20. I am ______ (make) my chair now
B. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
21. Joseph goes to school ____________________ (now, today, everyday tomorrow)
22. _____________ morning I shall tell my sister that news (tomorrow, now, today)
23. _________ you get a gift yesterday? (do, did does)
24. She ________ three books in her bag (has, have, does)
25. They are writing _______ (now, yesterday, tomorrow).
A. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
into in infront over any some at on by
26. I like to walk l __________ tax.
27. _____________ of the tree there is a small hole.
28. __________ 7:30 AM we shall do our test.
29. Ashura jumped __________ a tall fence
30. There wasn’t ________ problem in my work.
B. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
31. remember that what is their it belongs to ______________(them/you)
32. Her grandfather was _____________ than my grandmother (clever/more clever)
33. A pen ______________ to her (belong/belongs)
34. ________________ she fell down (quick/quickly)
35. I _________ tea than juice (like/prefer)
A. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
From suddenly going hospital pain killers
One day Twau was 36._________ to school on foot. 37__________ he hit a stone with his left foot. He broke his toe. Alot of blood discharged 38_______ his injury. His friend Hamza took him to the 39 ________ . Twau was admitted to Mwaisele Hospital. The doctors gave him a 40 ____________ Also he told that on next Monday will be his surgery.
B. Re-arrange the following sentences into A,B,C,D and E
41. The name of this village was Mtakuja.
42. Once upon the time there was a village.
43. Many animals died that year.
44. One day there was a flood.
45. This flood caused by high rainfall.
Read the following passage and answer question number 46-50
A dog with her cubs were hunting a rabbit. A rabbit has three bulls. She was feeding her children. Suddenly hisses voice heard behind a small wood tree. She knew that a snake must be around. By that time a dog appeared suddenly. A dog wanted to catch a rabbit. A rabbit ran around a tree. She wanted to bring a dog near the tree where the voice of a snake heard. With ought knowing a dog went close to the tree with a majestic walking style. With the intention to catch a big rabbit. There a giant snake appeared and bit a dog. A dog fell down from the pain. She lost consciousness and died. Rabbit and her family ran away with great joy. Their enemy had died.
46. in a word “appeared” the underlined letters are called _____________________
47. Who was hunting a rabbit ____________________________________________
48. According to story a bull is a child of ___________________________________
49. What is an opposite of underlined word (“enemy”) ________________________
50. Suggest a tittle of this story ___________________________________________
THE WARNING SIGNS ON CONTAINERS OF LABORATORY CHEMICALS AND APPARATUS Warning signs these are symbols which indicates a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation.