
alif lela u lela

"use strict";/* * Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.

"use strict"; /* * Copyright 2019 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const http2 = require("http2"); const constants_1 = require("./constants"); const metadata_1 = require("./metadata"); const stream_decoder_1 = require("./stream-decoder"); const logging = require("./logging"); const constants_2 = require("./constants"); const TRACER_NAME = 'call_stream'; const { HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, NGHTTP2_CANCEL, } = http2.constants; function isInterceptingListener(listener) { return (listener.onReceiveMetadata !== undefined && listener.onReceiveMetadata.length === 1); } exports.isInterceptingListener = isInterceptingListener; class InterceptingListenerImpl { constructor(listener, nextListener) { this.listener = listener; this.nextListener = nextListener; this.processingMessage = false; this.pendingStatus = null; } onReceiveMetadata(metadata) { this.listener.onReceiveMetadata(metadata, metadata => { this.nextListener.onReceiveMetadata(metadata); }); } // tslint:disable-next-line no-any onReceiveMessage(message) { /* If this listener processes messages asynchronously, the last message may * be reordered with respect to the status */ this.processingMessage = true; this.listener.onReceiveMessage(message, msg => { this.processingMessage = false; this.nextListener.onReceiveMessage(msg); if (this.pendingStatus) { this.nextListener.onReceiveStatus(this.pendingStatus); } }); } onReceiveStatus(status) { this.listener.onReceiveStatus(status, processedStatus => { if (this.processingMessage) { this.pendingStatus = processedStatus; } else { this.nextListener.onReceiveStatus(processedStatus); } }); } } exports.InterceptingListenerImpl = InterceptingListenerImpl; class Http2CallStream { constructor(methodName, channel, options, filterStackFactory, channelCallCredentials, callNumber) { this.methodName = methodName; = channel; this.options = options; this.channelCallCredentials = channelCallCredentials; this.callNumber = callNumber; this.http2Stream = null; this.pendingRead = false; this.isWriteFilterPending = false; this.pendingWrite = null; this.pendingWriteCallback = null; this.writesClosed = false; this.decoder = new stream_decoder_1.StreamDecoder(); this.isReadFilterPending = false; this.canPush = false; /** * Indicates that an 'end' event has come from the http2 stream, so there * will be no more data events. */ this.readsClosed = false; this.statusOutput = false; this.unpushedReadMessages = []; this.unfilteredReadMessages = []; // Status code mapped from :status. To be used if grpc-status is not received this.mappedStatusCode = constants_1.Status.UNKNOWN; // This is populated (non-null) if and only if the call has ended this.finalStatus = null; this.subchannel = null; this.listener = null; this.filterStack = filterStackFactory.createFilter(this); this.credentials = channelCallCredentials; this.disconnectListener = () => { this.endCall({ code: constants_1.Status.UNAVAILABLE, details: 'Connection dropped', metadata: new metadata_1.Metadata(), }); }; } outputStatus() { /* Precondition: this.finalStatus !== null */ if (!this.statusOutput) { this.statusOutput = true; const filteredStatus = this.filterStack.receiveTrailers(this.finalStatus); this.listener.onReceiveStatus(filteredStatus); if (this.subchannel) { this.subchannel.callUnref(); this.subchannel.removeDisconnectListener(this.disconnectListener); } } } trace(text) { logging.trace(constants_2.LogVerbosity.DEBUG, TRACER_NAME, '[' + this.callNumber + '] ' + text); } /** * On first call, emits a 'status' event with the given StatusObject. * Subsequent calls are no-ops. * @param status The status of the call. */ endCall(status) { this.destroyHttp2Stream(); /* If the status is OK and a new status comes in (e.g. from a * deserialization failure), that new status takes priority */ if (this.finalStatus === null || this.finalStatus.code === constants_1.Status.OK) { this.trace('ended with status: code=' + status.code + ' details="' + status.details + '"'); this.finalStatus = status; this.maybeOutputStatus(); } } maybeOutputStatus() { if (this.finalStatus !== null) { /* The combination check of readsClosed and that the two message buffer * arrays are empty checks that there all incoming data has been fully * processed */ if (this.finalStatus.code !== constants_1.Status.OK || (this.readsClosed && this.unpushedReadMessages.length === 0 && this.unfilteredReadMessages.length === 0 && !this.isReadFilterPending)) { this.outputStatus(); } } } push(message) { this.trace('pushing to reader message of length ' + (message instanceof Buffer ? message.length : null)); this.canPush = false; process.nextTick(() => { this.listener.onReceiveMessage(message); this.maybeOutputStatus(); }); } handleFilterError(error) { this.cancelWithStatus(constants_1.Status.INTERNAL, error.message); } handleFilteredRead(message) { /* If we the call has already ended with an error, we don't want to do * anything with this message. Dropping it on the floor is correct * behavior */ if (this.finalStatus !== null && this.finalStatus.code !== constants_1.Status.OK) { this.maybeOutputStatus(); return; } this.isReadFilterPending = false; if (this.canPush) { this.http2Stream.pause(); this.push(message); } else { this.trace('unpushedReadMessages.push message of length ' + message.length); this.unpushedReadMessages.push(message); } if (this.unfilteredReadMessages.length > 0) { /* nextMessage is guaranteed not to be undefined because unfilteredReadMessages is non-empty */ const nextMessage = this.unfilteredReadMessages.shift(); this.filterReceivedMessage(nextMessage); } } filterReceivedMessage(framedMessage) { /* If we the call has already ended with an error, we don't want to do * anything with this message. Dropping it on the floor is correct * behavior */ if (this.finalStatus !== null && this.finalStatus.code !== constants_1.Status.OK) { this.maybeOutputStatus(); return; } this.trace('filterReceivedMessage of length ' + framedMessage.length); this.isReadFilterPending = true; this.filterStack .receiveMessage(Promise.resolve(framedMessage)) .then(this.handleFilteredRead.bind(this), this.handleFilterError.bind(this)); } tryPush(messageBytes) { if (this.isReadFilterPending) { this.trace('unfilteredReadMessages.push message of length ' + (messageBytes && messageBytes.length)); this.unfilteredReadMessages.push(messageBytes); } else { this.filterReceivedMessage(messageBytes); } } handleTrailers(headers) { let headersString = ''; for (const header of Object.keys(headers)) { headersString += '\t\t' + header + ': ' + headers[header] + '\n'; } this.trace('Received server trailers:\n' + headersString); let metadata; try { metadata = metadata_1.Metadata.fromHttp2Headers(headers); } catch (e) { metadata = new metadata_1.Metadata(); } const metadataMap = metadata.getMap(); let code = this.mappedStatusCode; if (code === constants_1.Status.UNKNOWN && typeof metadataMap['grpc-status'] === 'string') { const receivedStatus = Number(metadataMap['grpc-status']); if (receivedStatus in constants_1.Status) { code = receivedStatus; this.trace('received status code ' + receivedStatus + ' from server'); } metadata.remove('grpc-status'); } let details = ''; if (typeof metadataMap['grpc-message'] === 'string') { details = decodeURI(metadataMap['grpc-message']); metadata.remove('grpc-message'); this.trace('received status details string "' + details + '" from server'); } const status = { code, details, metadata }; let finalStatus; try { // Attempt to assign final status. finalStatus = this.filterStack.receiveTrailers(status); } catch (error) { // This is a no-op if the call was already ended when handling headers. this.endCall({ code: constants_1.Status.INTERNAL, details: 'Failed to process received status', metadata: new metadata_1.Metadata(), }); return; } // This is a no-op if the call was already ended when handling headers. this.endCall(finalStatus); } attachHttp2Stream(stream, subchannel) { if (this.finalStatus !== null) { stream.close(NGHTTP2_CANCEL); } else { this.trace('attachHttp2Stream from subchannel ' + subchannel.getAddress()); this.http2Stream = stream; this.subchannel = subchannel; subchannel.addDisconnectListener(this.disconnectListener); subchannel.callRef(); stream.on('response', (headers, flags) => { let headersString = ''; for (const header of Object.keys(headers)) { headersString += '\t\t' + header + ': ' + headers[header] + '\n'; } this.trace('Received server headers:\n' + headersString); switch (headers[':status']) { // TODO(murgatroid99): handle 100 and 101 case 400:


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